My Homework (And You’re the Teacher!)

By | March 13, 2016

I was always a diligent student, and I do really well with assignments. I’m curious as to what post ideas you would find interesting, funny, helpful, etc., since you’re reading them, not me. And they can be almost anything, really, but don’t be surprised if they come off at a slightly different angle than anticipated. Consider me your personal research assistant that will learn and report back to you everything you need to know about…I don’t know…zika virus maybe.

Just to get the creative juices flowing, here are broad things I already like writing about:

1) Ocean creatures…maybe fresh water creatures if they’re interesting enough
2) Stuff that makes people healthy (and sometimes makes me look weird)
3) Places I’ve seen or would like to someday

And for contrast, here are things I would probably hate writing about (but might anyway if you asked me to):
1) Politics
2) Fashion
3) Um…architecture? Yeah, probably architecture
Please give it some thought and post a comment below. Or just post without thinking (that’s probably even more effective). Also, if you got here via Facebook, I’d appreciate it if you comment on this page directly instead of making a Facebook comment.

I also set up an email subscription option on the homepage, so if you’d like to get a message every time I post new stuff (maybe about your topic next time), I’d be forever grateful for your dedication and subscription.


26 thoughts on “My Homework (And You’re the Teacher!)

  1. Unknown

    Brett, I love your blog and the thought you put into all of your posts. It keeps us thinking! Keep up the great work!

  2. Eric Johansen

    Definitely politics. Ok, ok, in a more serious tone, how about a post on Iowa treasures? Perhaps you could post a listing of day trips in Iowa we can take to experience nature and the wonders Iowa has to offer.

  3. Alina Lindgren

    I'd love to hear your take on why the emotion "awkward" is so difficult to process. And you could even use our former security guard "friend" for examples. 🙂

  4. Tanner Bohman

    Investments: The past, the present, and the future. Trends of investments (if any) in different generations.

  5. Brett Bloemendaal

    Are we talking only "modern" financial investments, or all the way back in time to things like rocks and precious stones with cavemen, seeds for early agriculture, precious metals like gold, then into more modern stuff like money, stocks, bonds, etc.? Although I should be careful to delineate the concept of currency versus an investment.

  6. Tanner Bohman

    Modern. Our great grandparents era to our own great grandchildren. War bonds, stocks, money, anything you'd feel would entertain our information hungry minds.

  7. Ashleigh Walton

    What should I be doing to create better balance in my life? I feel like I'm constantly being pulled in a million different directions and want to do a better job giving 100% to them all…but how?

  8. Kale Halder

    So I'm just now kinda sorta getting caught up on all these posts. Still going through and reading from the beginning "Who Is Bert Betterman?" post. I enjoy reading anything health/wellness related, but more specifically…Ashleigh's comment above hits the nail on the head for me. In our world of smartphones, WiFi, and constant connectedness to technology…it's difficult to find balance, learning when and how to say "no", and cutting out the unnecessary without feeling bad about it.

    I recently saw a Zig Ziglar quote…“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” And that definitely got me thinking. Especially with the recent trend of minimalism and cutting out unnecessary possessions, I feel this can be applied to time as well.

  9. Brett Bloemendaal

    I like the question. And we're basically talking economics here (managing scarcity of resources), except that instead of money or physical resources, we're talking about emotional/mental resources and time. I'll keep this on the list.

  10. Brett Bloemendaal

    Thanks for reading, Kale. I see a theme developing. I also like the Ziglar and tend to agree with the statement. I think sometimes lack of time is certainly real (it's about as finite as a resource gets), but I also think we tend to forget or underestimate the "lack of direction" part and struggle to reach for better efficiency.

  11. Jon Schultz

    Brett, I would like to get your insights into the benefits of movement variability (moving in different planes of motion: lateral and rotational versus straight line). Also, if you are willing to research the dramatic increase in hip labral surgeries in our local area. Curious if you have thoughts on preventing these surgeries. Thanks for efforts to improve the health of your readers.

  12. Brett Bloemendaal

    Nice! That's good stuff! I'll be sure to add it to the list. Incorporating movement variability has certainly helped my progress after years of too much sitting at the desk and too much repetitive gym exercises. I got pretty strong at one point, but I forgot how to move, and small things became quite difficult. But anyway…I should save that for the blog post later!

  13. Jon Schultz

    After 20 years working in the field of physical therapy I concur with your comment that we forget how to move. We are rarely taught the fundamentals of proper movement, breathing, etc… and then go out and are expected to safely exercise, compete, Cross Fit, sit, work,… These patterns of unhealthy movement lead to compensation, injuries, surgery, and chronic painful conditions. Great discussion. Thanks

  14. Brandon

    What is humanity's purpose? To live in harmony with earth or advance technologically? Haha… 😉

  15. Dumbvillie

    How about the changes of our weather ! Why would anyone be obsessed with weather ? Why do we obsess about anything in life? Looking forward to more writings about life generally , but mostly obsession! ?

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